The Connector

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Connecting University of Missouri research, resources, and ideas to benefit the people of Missouri and beyond.

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Let us help you form community and research partnerships.


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In the Spring of 2020, three MU graduate students were challenged to move their outreach and engagement efforts fully online, as the University of Missouri moved quickly to comply with COVID-19 safety measures while maintaining a commitment to serving Missouri citizens. In a matter of days, students in Integrating...

2020 Columbia Young Scientists Expo


On February 8th, the Connector team hosted the second annual Columbia Young Scientists (CYS) Expo. The Expo featured examples of local and university scientists who provided demos and informational presentations for all ages.


Office of Research & Economic Development
Office of Extension & Engagement

© The Connector 2020 | Web Design by MayeCreate Design

506 Hitt Street, 212 Whitten Hall, Columbia, MO 65211 | (573) 884-4334 | pp加速器免费正式版下载

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